Password Protect
You would use this feature if you want to password protect a directory on your site

Attention FrontPage Users: If you have FrontPage Extensions Enabled, do not set Password Protection on the "/" directory as it will not work because of conflicts with FrontPage Extensions.
1. Click on the directory that you would like to protect
2. It will prompt “Password Protection is not Enabled on Directory?
3. To enable password protection, click on Enable Password Protection.
(Note: All the subfolders under the protected directories will be protected)
4. Enter the username and password for the access to that directory and click Save Changes
5. To edit the password, click on the respective directory and enter the password in the Password* column and click Save Change
6. To delete the user access , click on the respective directory and tick on the Delete column for that user and click Delete Selected Users
7. To disable password protection , select on the folder and click Disable Password Protection . You will be prompt for confirmation, click on Yes, Disable Password Protection